Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Half-Blood Prince
I was too busy to come online or post something for the last two days, as I had been busy with my job. But still I could find some time to finish reading the book 'Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix'. I have finished that one by 4:30 am yesterday, as I was afried I had to give that back to my friend at 8:00 am. But he is yet to collect from me, as he is on a tour. And now I started the 6th of the series, Half Blood Prince. The book seems to be intersted from the very first chapter.

A bit about the 5th book 'The Order of the Phoenix'. I don't know how to describe its influence in readers, How we feel to Professor Umbridge is the main example, and I reckon it was not enough what she got, what she deserve.

If you don't tell anybody, I'll let you know how I was silly with fear as I went out of the house at 3:30 am. I was reading The Order of the Phoenix and went out for something, and I startled for a while thinking I have got no wand with me, and I forgot defensive spells against Demantors. Actually this is a good example for how J.K. Rowling succeeds as a writer.

I would like to wind it up with a URL Just do visit it.

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